Roster information - 10am Service | St. John's Anglican Church Highton Geelong

Information about each ministry

Bible Reading

The readings are listed in the news sheet. The first named person should read the first reading listed. Prepare ahead by praying and reading aloud to practice the different characters or narrators voices. Please do not add any commentary at the start or end of the reading. At the end of the reading say “this is the word of the Lord” and the reply is “thanks be to God”

Leading Prayer during the service

The Prayer Leader prepares approximately 5-7 minutes of intercessory prayer to share through the service. Contact the Church office for prayer requests. Also refer Prayer Calendar.

Prayer Ministry

Two people pray for the Holy Spirit to guide their prayers, before commencing to pray for those who seek individual prayer during the service of Holy Communion, or on noncommunion Sundays, after the service.


Operate overhead data computer during service. Duties include checking order of service, and songs in Easy Worship software before service. Training available. Arrive by 9.30.

Sound Control at Audio Visual Desk

Control sound levels during service. Duties include arriving at 9:15, setting up microphones and setting sound level during music practice. Full training is available.

Communion preparation and clean up

Arrive at 9.30 am and set up for communion and clean up after the service.

Serving Communion

Prayerfully assist with serving communion wine/fruit juice to communicants. This involves following the Vicar as he gives the bread, and saying “the blood of Christ, shed for you”.


Before the service: Tidy the church/foyer as necessary. Turn heater or foyer fans on/off if necessary. Greet attendees and hand out news sheet. Be aware of visitors and offer them a visitor’s card.
During the service: Stay at doors until 10:15am. Count attendees. On Communion Sundays, count communicants and direct them to the front in order. Take up offering (when permitted). Ensure TV is operating in the Parents Room (it show words from the main screen in the church).
After the service: Enter attendance, communicants and other details in service record book. When collection of offering resumed, place contents of plate in calico offering bags and put these bags in the office safe via slot in wall in the foyer. (Service book & money bags are located in a plastic box under the communion table). Turn off heaters/fans and lights and tidy up church as applicable.


We are keen to use talent from all age groups so don't be shy about offering. Talk to Esher Cohen, Hilary Hoevenaars, Chris Blackney, Will or Leisha Orpwood. Practice occurs before the service.

Kids Church (visit one week to have a look)

Teachers are on a roster, serving 4 weeks per term. Working with Children Check required which is free when acquired for Church work. You could also offer as a helper rather than a class teacher.

Morning Tea

Arrive at 9.30am before the service to prepare coffee machine, cups, biscuits etc. A few minutes before the end of the service finish preparations. Serve morning tea, then clean up when finished. To assist you, instructions on how to operate all equipment are in a folder in the kitchen.